Suresh Angadi
Marching ahead with one more year of RVS International Education Trust ®, I have come across
with a numbers and variant of activities to attain our mission and to fulfill our vision. In
our approaches and interventions designed by the guiding principle, we are keeping in our
mind i.e, research action and people’s participation. We have sincerely tried our best to
empower people to be able to contribute for the process of development of Rural Development
On the occasion of presenting this progress Report with great pleasures and pride I would
like to express our sincere gratitude to all persons, well-wishers, friends, Govt. and other
Supporters who have contributed to us in form of Support, Guidance, Grant-in-Aid,
Suggestion, Technical and Non-technical know-how. We are especially indebted to the people
with whom we have worked during the activities through different program/projects for their
active support and co-operation during the project/program implementation.
With these few words I invite you to visit our project/program through this report and
person and to contribute generously